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This is a guide on how child-care centers in RI are mandated to operate while COVID-19 is upon us.

As of today, the Governor has set forth these regulations and we are expected to follow them. We will keep you updated.  At any time these regulations can be changed or eliminated.  These are the guidelines that may happen at anytime during the pandemic.  



All children MUST be in no later than 9:00.  We are enforcing this rule and no one will be admitted in at 9:01 and after. 



Parents will be greeted at the FRONT door.  Please stay in the foyer only (Burrillville location) or front door (Woonsocket location).  If screening is still required, then from here, your child will have their temperature taken and you will complete a COVID-19 screening form with a staff member every day that  your child attends. 

Depending on the results, your child will either be admitted for care for the day or will have to go home depending on the screening and temperature results  Please be truthful on the screening sheet as we are trying to be ahead of this disease in keeping the centers disease free. 

We cannot let a child into the center if they exhibit even one symptom on the  screening tool, regardless if a symptom is due to allergies, cold or asthma.  If your child has any symptoms, they must be symptom free (without use of medications) for 72 hours. This regulation comes from DOH and DHS.

If a child tests positive for COVID-19, you must alert the center immediately.  If you have a family member at home with COVID-19, your child MAY NOT attend until the family member has been cleared and your quarantine is completed.  The state of RI Covid Playbook gets updated regularly and we will refer to and speak with DOHRI Child Care line to determine what protocals at the time are required to follow.  This is a link to the Outbreak Response Team Playbook: 


Parents will be saying goodbye to their child at the door to cut down on social contacts and any contamination. 

Staff will greet you at the door and the staff will be signing in and out the daily sign in/out sheets as well as the screening checklist.  Parents will not be touching pens, papers, etc.  Staff members will be the only ones.

Infants (Burrillville location) that are in infant car seats may stay in them to be brought into center by staff.



Parents MUST supply all personal items for their child.  This includes but not limited to, utensils, cups, bottles, napping items, proper change of clothes, diapers and wipes (if pertains to your child) and lunch items (Tupperware, etc).  Please take home and wash these items on a daily basis.  Cot sheets, blankets and baby sheets may be taken home weekly, provided they stay in your child’s cubby or personal crib.   However, please take them home earlier if they need to be washed earlier.  Supply all personal items in a bin or bag that can be closed.



Staff will accept tuition at screening area and a receipt will be provided later at dismissal.



We are also asking, until further notice, to not let children bring in any extra toys (show and tell will be on hold).  These toys will be given back immediately to the parent to take back home.  We are limiting sharing at this time.



Please update any contacts and phone numbers if need be.  In addition,  a new illness policy will be sent home to every family.  This new policy is in strict guidelines per the new rules set out due to COVID-19.



We have a new approved COVID-19 plan that is in the office located next to our license.  This plan was created by Me Too Preschool  in guidelines by CDC and DHS and was approved by DHS for the center to reopen.



Any questions must be directed to the Director.  If the Director is not in, then please let a staff member know of any concerns and questions and they will inform the Director.  Please, do not ask other staff for information to a question regarding COVID-19 as they may not have the most up to date information set forth by the Governor or DHS.  We will get the answer to you as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.

Again, we are following new regulations and guidelines for childcare centers set forth by the CDC, DOH RI and the Gov. of R.I.  We have also updated our Child Illness Policy below to reflect the new additions with regards to the pandemic.


Welcome back and stay well!


To our first responders, health care providers, postal workers, store employees, mask makers, and other local heroes…





Children attending the center must be in good health.  Our staff reserves the right to dismiss a child for the day showing signs of illness.  A temperature can not exceed 100 degrees – without the use of fever reducers like Tylenol/Motrin or the like.  In addition, a child with a contagious bacteria or virus such as, but not limited to, pink eye, chicken pox, strep throat, flus, lice, excessive diarrhea and/or vomiting, etc. must stay home until the doctor has permitted the child to come back to school with a doctor’s note.   If the child becomes ill again or ill while at Me Too Preschool, we will call the parents to come and pick up the child.  If the parents cannot be reached, then we will refer to the list of emergency names and numbers to have them pick up your child (please be sure to list RELIABLE names and numbers).  There will be an Illness Form to sign with the policies and instructions stated about the particular symptoms your child has when you pick up your child from school.  Children must be fever free/diarrhea/vomit free for 24 hours since last fever/episode without the use of medications.  This helps to stop the spread of illnesses to the children in the center. 

            All children are required to go outside every day, weather permitting.  If children are too ill to participate in outside activities, then they must stay home until well again.  Concerns for your child’s comfort and the well-being of the other children and staff are our main priority.

The plan for when a staff member, child or visitor becomes sick at the center we will then Identify an  area in the library to separate anyone who exhibits COVID-like symptoms during hours of operation and ensure that children are not left without adult supervision.  We will notify local DHS license case worker, staff, and families immediately of any possible case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We will close off areas used by any sick person and do not use them until they have been cleaned and disinfected. 

Any sign of illness consistent with symptoms of COVID-19, particularly fever, cough, or shortness of breath, call your healthcare provider and keep your child at home and away from others as much as possible.   Parent must inform child care center of any covid-19 test results.

COVID-19 Facts from CDC site:

Children may have mild symptoms
Based on available evidence, children do not appear to be at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults. While some children and infants have been sick with COVID-19, adults make up most of the known cases to date.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar in children and adults. However, children with confirmed COVID-19 have generally shown mild symptoms. Reported symptoms in children include cold-like symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, and cough. Vomiting and diarrhea have also been reported.  Rashes have also been reported.
It’s not known yet whether some children may be at higher risk for severe illness, for example, children with underlying medical conditions and special healthcare needs. There is more to learn about how the disease impacts children.
There will be an isolated area (the library area) if a child becomes ill while at center.